New to version 3.0G of WinCheck: a) New "Print Direct" feature for printing one check at a time to Dot-Matrix style printers (no page eject). b) Categories can now be classified as Income, Expense, or Both. All of your categories from your current version will default to "Both". You can modify these categories to specify income or expense with the "Edit Categories" dialog. By indicating Income or Expense, your budget reports will be more informational. c) Categories can be classified as Tax deductible. When you enter a new transaction, the "Tax Deductible" box will automatically check when you select one of these categories. You can, however, still un-check the box if you desire. d) Expandability! WinCheck now allows you to add custom tools to your menu. These tools use DDE to communicate with WinCheck. A sample tool has been included to manage Payroll deposits. The tool is called PAYROLL.EXE and requires that you have the VBRUN100.DLL file to run (Visual Basic Engine). To add this Payroll tool, select "Add Tool..." from the Tools menu, and type PAYROLL. If PAYROLL.EXE is in a different directory than WinCheck, indicate the full path of PAYROLL.EXE. Once you have added the tool, you will find it on your Tools menu. The source code to PAYROLL and the source code to a more simple add-on tool (Visual Basic) have been included on the distribution disk in the DDE.ZIP file. e) The categories for the Budget, Cash Flow, Profit/Loss, and category reports are now in alphabetical order (instead of order of entry). f) New pre-defined categories on startup of account or by running WinCheck command file. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * What's New for WinCheck 3.0f --------------------------------------- BUG FIXES! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Numerous bugs have been fixed, some of the more major one addressed below: * Multiple "Personal" categories (or multiple of any category) are no longer possible. If your data has already been corrupted, the second "Personal" category will change to "Personal-1", etc. This way you can delete them. * Many of the reports have been fixed to print accurate numbers, and not to print deleted categories. * Many "mystery" bugs have vanished due to some internal code cleanup. These include dialog boxes without text, accelerators not working, and other windows wierdness. * When deleting a transfer between accounts, you will no longer UAE. * The DDE interface is significantly cleaned up and working. * The fonts dialog no longer lies. NEW FEATURES! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * Checks can now be printed one at a time on a dot matrix printer. To enable this feature, select "Form Attributes" while in the WinCheck Form Designer. Check the button labeled "Print Direct", and indicate the port your check printer is connected to. Please keep in mind that you will not be able to select fonts anymore for check printing-- the printer's internal default font will be used. * Categories can now be classified as Income, Expense, or Both. All of your categories from your current version will default to "Both". You can modify these categories to specify income or expense with the "Edit Categories" dialog. By indicating Income or Expense, your budget reports will be more informational. * Categories can be classified as Tax deductable. When you enter a new transaction, the "Tax Deductable" box will automatically check when you select one of these categories. You can still un-check the box if you desire. * Expandability! WinCheck now allows you to add custom tools to your menu. These tools use DDE to communicate with WinCheck. A sample tool has been included to manage Payroll deposits. The tool is called PAYROLL.EXE and requires that you have the VBRUN100.DLL file (Visual Basic Engine). To add this Payroll tool, select "Add Tool..." from the Tools menu, and type PAYROLL. If PAYROLL.EXE is in a different directory than WinCheck, indicate the full path of PAYROLL.EXE. Once you have added the tool, you will find it on your Tools menu. The source code to PAYROLL and the source code to a more simple add-on tool (Visual Basic) have been included on the distribution disk in the TOOLS directory. tool * The categories for the Bugdet, Cash Flow, Profit/Loss, and category reports are now in alphabetical order.